Thursday, 9 June 2011

Bowing Index Finger

Working at improving my bowing arm.

Some problematic issues..
- my shoulder gets tense and nervous.
- my wrist likes to sit high like a crane.
- I seem to lose flexibility and fluidity.

I've found an interesting bowing exercise that seems to help keep everything relaxed.

When practicing a study. Simply life the index finger off the bow whenever playing an upbow!? This seems to help the other fingers relax and keep the wrist in check.

It's interesting to focus on when some fingers are not required.

I think the high wrist problem occurs because I try to retain the same 'index + 2nd finger' pressure that I have when I'm playing at the tip as when I'm playing at the nut. To resolve that, when playing at the nut keep the index finger off the bow, this results in the 4th finger activating and the wrist supporting the 4th finger etc etc.

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