Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The Horse Hair, Metal String & Finger Connection


* Illustrate the intrinsice connection between all the phsycial processes involved in order to maintain a confident hair / string / finger connection on the violin.


* Lungs: Land
* Left Brain: Stone
* Right Brain:
* Violin: Mote
* Jaw: Foundations
* Neck:
* Left Shoulder: Left Turret
* Right Shoulder: Right Turret
* Right Wrist
* Right Hand
* Right Fingers
* Bow Nut
* Bow: Bridge
* Bow Hair
* *Hair String Connection* (Streamline bowing,Sound production)
* Left Arm: Tower
* Left Wrist
* Left Hand
* Left Fingers:
* *String Finger Connection* (Intonation)
* Musicality : Eagle

A castle with a mote, bridge and eagle launching off the tower.

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