Saturday, 3 April 2010

Sharper with a Push!

Haven't written agse... I've been working very hard on my violin practice and enjoying my new house etc. it's been months but still enjoying it loads.

Made a vegie patch today. awesome. Did my practice this week... approx 1hr . day.

Doing a lot of technical stuff with Simon Fischer. His comments basically surpass all my technical jargon...

Really enjoying performing with 2 orchestras at the moment. Lots of preparation involved.

Anyways. this update is about something simple.

There are usually 3 different ways to tune a violin. I've found a 3rd...

1. Use the tuning pegs.
2. Use the 'tuners' on the tail piece.
3. If the sound is slightly sharp simply pull on the string make the pitch slightly lower...

... but how to slightly sharpen a string?!? (i've found this important whilst using an electronic tuner on my iphone. I find using a digital tuner helps get my brain 'intune'. no perfect pitch here...)

4. Apply pressure to the string within the peg box. It pulls the string slighly tighter and the 'top nut' seems to retain the shifted pitch?! Not sure how persistent the change is but this seems to get the instrument in tune :) Don't use it often but thought it was interesting...

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