Thursday, 22 July 2010

Emma Ayers talking at the NSW Art Gallery

Went along to Art After Hours last night and had an amazing time.

Here were some of my thoughts....

Arnold Schoenberg: one of the first composers to turn away from mainstream classical / romantic harmony. A atonal pioneer.

Emma Ayers Spoke and she was mesmorising...
- The discussion surrounding Arnold Schoenberg, atonal music, serial-ism and abstract music was fascinating. What is conditioning? What is innate?
- Emma Ayers: a role model. I listen to her broadcast every morning as my alarm. Someone that has a foreign back ground, intelligent, passionate about classical music, aware of the importance and power of music, socially sensitive, out an proud, unique, centred, acceptable. I found her presents comforting. I found her humble confidence meaningful.
- she is gay. I'm not, but I am slightly affeminate in my way of communicating and caring for others. Sensitive. Whatever. It's great to know that she is so out and proud.

I could've sat there and listened to her lively, humorous, friendly, youthful, creative, feminie, powerful, intelligent voice for ever.

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