Friday, 23 July 2010

Violin Cloth

Following Midori's concert with the SSO at the opera house I had a thought.

I noticed that she, like me, had a cloth to cover her chin rest. This can be very useful to reduce skin irritation, inflamation and infection etc. Also, I find that because my neck is relatively long it helps to pad out the height of the instrument.

(I've tried lots of different 'heighted' chin rests and shoulder rests etc)

Anyways; back to my 'thought'.

Whilst watching Midori i noticed something very specific. Her chin cloth was attached to her violin somehow. I sat there wondering, how did she attach that cloth. I wondered what special sort of cloth...

Last night, i took my violin out and started practicing. I did what I always do which is 'arrange' the cloth on the chin rest and thought i should try to attach this thing to the instrument.

Long story short. I pushed the leg of the shoulder rest through the cloth and screwed it back into the padding. The cloth was attached. The process of raising the violin automatically lends the cloth to sit on the chin rest, ready for my chin.

I spent 2 hours playing the violin enjoying this cool new relaxing management. I have wasted so much time picking up, placing, reorganising that cloth every time i want to turn a page.

The future!

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