Monday, 28 March 2011

The Left

I've found that if I play with my torso leaning more towards the left... I am more relaxed.

For some reason my left shoulder likes to go 'up' and forwards when I start to feel pressured.

If I do my best to ensure my shoulders are broad and level. And have the violin out to the left slightly it also helps my bow arm with a little more room and a more comfortable resting place on the string.

Forwards and right and closed causes me problems.

Open, broad, vertical, slightly left (especially with lots of long bows) seems to help with creating a regular loud sound.

Also. I forgot how import the idea of 'stroking' the cat is... The change of bow stroke begins slightly before the bow actually changes string. Like painting a fence with slow fertical strokes.... the brush contines upwards at the top even through the wrist has begun to flex and move downwards.

The wrist should start moving in the right direction before the bow or fingers pick up on the change (for a slow constant fluent sound).

Retaining a 'crow like' angular wrist hovering high in the sky is problematic.

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