Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Awareness & Yoga

Started my violin practice with some sun salutations and twist stretches. I wonder what effect that will have.

Looking into harnessing my sense of awareness rather than working towards an achievement.

- Secik Op. 2 P 1. No. 1
- Sevcik Op 1. P1. No 1: extra ordinarily difficult to sort out the hammer fingering technique Joachim refers to. I think it is especially important with double stops and vertical finger placements. And fast runs. etc. to be continued.
- Scales. Harmonic Collaboration. 22nd of July. Got carried away with scales.
- Schradieck P1. no. 1. move the L-elbow rather than stretch the fingers or bend the wrist.
- wohlfahrt
- kayser

i can't believe i've never explored the vertical finger possibilities?!

I seriously have to stop playing to my capacity.
- 30% achieve.
- 30% awareness.
- 30% enjoyment.

I think i generally do.
- 65% achieve.
- 20$ awareness.
- 5% enjoy.

Interestingly. Scales are not exactly for beginners?!

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