Sunday, 19 July 2009

Trying hard stunts awareness

When I 'try' I disable my ability to relax and listen. I've gotta be aware of my body and be aware rather than ambitious with my practice.

Never play the violin at 100%. Let half the body create and the other half respond. Put in 50% of available effort and use the rest for a keen sense of awareness.

Always play at less than an optimal level. The body can't always be optimal. Don't demand the body be optimal.

Actually. Maybe less than 50%.
1. 30% Enjoy.
2. 30% Aware / Respond.
3. 30% Achieve / Try.

These need to be prioritised because 'responding' and 'achieving' generally steal the show. I ain't going to bother with trying to 'achieve' if i'm not 'aware'. I ain't going to bother being 'aware' if I'm not 'enjoying' what I'm doing.

1. Sound / music / scales / studies / etc... have beauty.
2. I am going to notice 'that' and be fascinated by it.
3. I am going to try to work on improving that.

.. The 'doctrine of the easy' sounds interesting. Breaking down difficult tasks into 'easy' tasks.

Had a break through today with some of this stuff. Definately losening up.

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