Saturday, 1 August 2009

If something hurts, something's wrong.

Reading through Healthy String Playing.

A lot of people say, if you play through the pain you improve. I'm finding that doesn't help much.

Also, getting to a point where i'm not going to work through the sevcik 'stretching' exercises. If I can't reach it comfortably I'm simply going to have to shift my entire hand. I'm done with trying to stretch my fingers into shape. It's nature and structural easy nothing at all.

- dropping the violin.
- dropping the bow.
- not being able to hold the instrument properly.

I've found that i get lost in studies physically. sometimes i get locked in a physical exercise my body can't command. I've found having a timer helps. Something that stops every 15 minutes and reminds me to move onto a new exercise.

This morning...
- 5min: yoga sun salutions.
- 15min: sevcik op 2.
- 15min: sevcik op 1.
- 15min: schradieck.
- 15min: wohlfahrt.
- 15min: kayser.
- 5min: yoga sun salutions.

Might do the same this afternoon. Should be able to get through my plan with this approach.

I think tennis is bad for a violinist. I think Ping Pong is great for a violinist.

How the heck do I remember to smile whilst I'm practicing?!

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