Saturday, 22 August 2009

Swimming - Breathing

Went swimming this afternoon and noticed something very interesting. It is quite natural to take a very short breath in and a very slow breath out. I had always presumed the in breath would be equal to the out breath, perhaps this is not so?!

Also. A forced breathe whilst swimming helps. Perhaps a forced breathe whilst playing isn't all that bad either. Perhaps there is some sort of balance that can be reached.

With the left arm warming up exercises (taking the hand from; around the scroll, up the fingerboard, over the bridge, down the tail piece, over to the right shoulder, down byside the waist, back up the to the scroll, ...) it's nice to turn it into a bit of a lose dance in time with my natural breathe.


SVK no 4: needs a bit of tempo. slow is dull. BORING. BORING. BORING. BORING. BORING. BORING. BORING.

I very much dislike moving on from a study i'm not completely confident with because i'm bored of playing it :(

Sometimes its nice to just cut lose and practice by watching what the body natural does. sometimes I just want to shift for no reason. soemtimes i want to play loud and out of tune sometimes. sometimes i want to play soft and a strange rhythm. sometimes I want to play double stops. It's nice to let the body play out of tune and recognise that that is the reality and enjoy it rather than go for something unreal. it's nice to play without any tension or pressure in the body. it's nice to actually listen to the sound rather than create the sound. it's nice to be free in the music despite a metronome or intonation. it's nice to play with skill whilst being free. it's nice to dance whilst i play. it's nice to relax the body. It's nice to let the instrument create the music. It's nice to enjoy the feel of the instrument. it's nice to explore the limits of the sound without exploring the limits of the body. it's nice to let the technique work itself whilst enjoying the music and the body.

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