Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Play music rather than play perfect.

Spoke to an old violin teacher as I began my practicing today. It's great.

With my bowing exercises I gotta start noticing the natural volumne if the different sections of the bow. The nut is actually surprisingly loud?!?!

I've finally worked out what the bowing in the sevcik studies in on about. Op2 Part1. When the metre changes a new (and in general simple) bowing applies. The list of combination bowings at the start only apply until a new notation appears with the words 'simile'... Yes, i'm slight stupid. Previously i've been applying all combinations to the every bar despite having different notes / rhythms.

It's really important to play through the Schradieck without stopping at mistakes but rather to set a slower tempo next time. The exercise isn't to get every note exact, the purpose is to let the exercise couch the body / mind into freedom.

15 minutes of WHF no. 24 is a bit tiring. As I didn't play yesterday I think I should make sessions go for 10 minutes rather than 15.

Playing the violin really does apply a huge amount of tension on the middle back and the trapezium muscles. especially on the right side. Definately overused my back tonight. Should've made sure i was balanced equally as I went along.

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